This page features media articles, interviews, slides of talks and other media appearances, for the general public as well as academic and professional invited presentations and media articles. My scientific publications, videos and information about awards can be found on separate pages.
General public

- [Dutch] Contributed as expert to a panel and consecutive interview of the ministries of Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW) and Binnenlandse Zaken (BZK) to inform their Generative AI policy (2023). Session report Bijeenkomst over werken en generatieve AI: “We moeten naar mens-gedreven techniek” / Panel on work and generative AI: “We need human-driven technology”; Interview In gesprek met machines: dr. Birna van Riemsdijk over machine learning en generatieve AI / In conversation with machines: dr. Birna van Riemsdijk on machine learning and generative AI
- Infographics with aims and results of NWO Vidi project CoreSAEP on value-aware personal agents (2023): CoreSAEP Infographic English / CoreSAEP Infographic Dutch, illustrations and design by Just Julie.
- [Dutch] In gesprek met machines / In conversation with machines (2022): my answer to the question about what I changed my mind in the past year, for the platform
- [Dutch] Trouw column by Ilyaz Nasrullah ‘Juist ik hou tech ver bij mijn kinderen vandaan’ / Especially I keep tech far away from my children (10 November 2022): discussing my social media post about the changing image of the field of computer science and the importance of developing a vision for technology from a vision of the society we want
- [Dutch, English summary] Grote vragen in AI / Big questions in AI (2020): interview for the magazine OneWorld (issue December 2020) about the big questions and challenges for a society in which AI is omnipresent
- BNR radio interview on Intimate Computing for the item “Wetenschap Vandaag” (Science Today) [in Dutch] (2020): hoe je fijne intieme technologie maakt (How to make intimate technology that we actually want to use.)
- Intieme Technologie: Engineering met een Paradox / Intimate Technology: Engineering with a Paradox (2018): invited presentation at event “Inspiring Engineers”/”Inspirerende Ingenieurs” organized in connection with the Dutch national event “Weekend of Science”/”Weekend van de Wetenschap”
- Laten we dansen! / Let us dance! (2018): invited presentation for outreach event Professors in the Theatre on the theme Artificial Intelligence for Humanity at Theater De Veste in Delft
- Blog (2018) for the Rathenau Institute on Responsible Data Sharing:
- EEMCS TU Delft Nodes magazine article (2018) on Responsible Data Sharing:
- [Dutch] Hoe een app waardenconflicten oplost / How an app resolves value conflicts (2017): article about our research with dr. Alex Kayal in the COMMIT/ project on resolving value conflicts in mobile location sharing
- [Dutch] Technology for Humanity (2014), In the book “Het beste idee van 2014” / “The best idea of 2014”, © Uitgeverij De Wereld
Academic and professional audience

- article in I/O Magazine of ICT Research Platform Nederland (IPN) on the sectorplan positions at UTwente (Volume 20, No. 2, July 2023): Logical Connections, double interview with Prof. Dr. Dirk Heylen
- Interviewed as expert Intimate Computing for the report “Ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm” for the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) of the European Parliament (published July 2022). The report offers a bird’s eye perspective of the key societal and ethical challenges we can expect as a result of the convergence of AI and IoT in combination with technologies like 5G/6G, and policy options that can be considered to address them effectively.
- invited talk Virtual Symposium on Vulnerability and Human-Computer Interaction (December 2nd, 2021): AI and I: on personal vulnerabilities in intimate technologies (slides, video, complete video of Vulnerability & HCI symposium)
- How underfunding affects students, teachers and scientists / Hoe onderfinanciering studenten, docenten en wetenschappers raakt (2021): U-Today interview about underfunding in Dutch academia
- AI & Human Vulnerability – Getting Intimate with Fear (2018): Speaker and panel member of the international Roundtable at UNESCO Paris (video of panel, with my talk at 36:00min) on “Artificial Intelligence: Reflection on its complexity and impact on our society”. A beautiful video on AI, Ethics and Society was made on the occasion of the event.
- [Dutch] AVG is niet alles of niets: Het delen van data vraagt om een flexibele technologie (2018): article for the Dutch magazine for IT professionals AG Connect on Responsible Data Sharing
- To share or not to share? On responsibility in social software (2016): invited presentation Responsible Data Science seminar Amsterdam
- Vidi-winnaars kijken terug en vooruit, I/O Magazine, Jaargang 11, Nummer 2 (p12-13)
- Socially Adaptive Software, In Awareness Magazine, © 2013 Awareness