Current projects

Don’t Forget the Forgotten!

Don’t Forget the Forgotten! ‘Towards a Platform-Based Approach for Sustainable Employment of Workers with a Disability’ addresses the challenge of

foto of a backlit female dancer with her hands up to the side, wearing a high-tech dress composed of foils which are blown to the sides through fans attached to the dress around the hips.

Designing Intimate Technologies through Dance

In this project we use dance and performing arts to explore conceptual and technical aspects of how Intimate Technologies could

logo of the RESOCIAL project, featuring the head of a person supported and analysed in parts by other persons


RESOCIAL: ‘User vulnerabilities and Resilience on SOCIAL media platforms and the metaverse: a sociolegal and design perspective’ seeks to identify,

logo of stress in action project

Stress in Action

Stress in Action aims to move stress research from the lab to daily life, capitalizing on the fast advances in

softwear logo, round blue thread with knot at the end and light blue stars in the middle


SOFTWEAR is a Doctoral Network in the emerging and rapidly growing field of wearables, with a unique focus on soft actuators for

Trust Repair in Human-Agent Teams

This BMS Signature PhD project investigates trust repair in Human-Agent Teams.

Hybrid Intelligence

Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it.